Hi and thanks for reading more about me!
My name is Shaggy Eells and I’m a digital nomad.
My Story
My journey of personal growth has been shaped by influential books ranging from practical wisdom in “Principles” and “Atomic Habits” to spiritual insights from “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth.” I’ve drawn entrepreneurial inspiration from classics like “Think and Grow Rich,” “The 4-Hour Work Week,” and “Tools of Titans,” among others.
My life is guided by core values that include cultivating joyfulness, maintaining unwavering honesty, practicing steadfast discipline, and embracing humility. I believe strongly in surrounding myself with people who foster growth and development.
Currently, I’m deeply engaged in exploring personal development, intermittent fasting, entrepreneurship, and minimalism.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me pursuing an active lifestyle through skiing, CrossFit, and hiking. I’m passionate about building off-grid vans, exploring new places, cooking, and connecting with people from all walks of life.
I live by the motto “The only thing that can stop me is myself.” My mission is threefold: to make a positive impact on others’ lives, to change the world for the better, and to embody the most joyful version of myself. Through these endeavors, I hope to inspire others to unlock their full potential and become the best versions of themselves.
Life Vision
For me, life is about the balance of joyfulness and fulfillment. I want to spend every day working on my own remote businesses and skiing. The point is to spend as little time as possible on things that I hate or make me miserable. I will spend all of my time with people I care about, including friends and family who bring out the best values in me.
At the end of my life, I will be remembered as a wonderful and loyal father, husband, son, brother, a successful entrepreneur, a gnarly skier, and someone who always had plenty of time to spend with loved ones & on hobbies.
I will live a healthy lifestyle in a perpetual state of joy until I am 120 years old.
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The End
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